Learning How to Train a Guard Dog

Learning how to train a guard dog will require special knowledge and skills that most dog owners do not typically possess. If you are like most dog owners, you probably think of your dog as a companion and a friend, and you assume that your dog would defend you if you were in a situation …

Benefits of Owning a Well Trained Dog

Dog training is very important for many reasons that benefit both you and your dog. Owning a well trained and obedient dog is definitely a lot more fun for you. In addition to that, trained dogs are much happier dogs. An obedient and well trained dog is far less likely to get into fights with …

Boost Your Dogs Intelligence with Toys

There are many benefits in giving your dog the right toys to play with and chew on. While most people think that dog toys are only to relieve boredom that is not the only use for dog toys. Yes, dog toys are excellent for relieving boredom and are especially good when you have to leave …