Benefits of Owning a Well Trained Dog

Dog training is very important for many reasons that benefit both you and your dog. Owning a well trained and obedient dog is definitely a lot more fun for you. In addition to that, trained dogs are much happier dogs.

An obedient and well trained dog is far less likely to get into fights with other dogs and will tend to socialize better with dogs that they meet in public. They are also better with people so you can take them in public or have company over without any worries. And it is particularly important to have a well-trained dog if there are young kids in your household or in your neighborhood.

Similar to having well-behaved children, owning a well-trained dog makes for a happier and more stable household. The time that you spend training your puppy initially will have a lasting impact on you and your dog for the rest of its life.

Taking the time to properly train your dog will strengthen the bond between you and will ensure a long and happy friendship that benefits both you and your dog. When you consider the amount of time you spend with your dog the time and effort it takes to properly train him is more than worthwhile.

Here are a few basic dog training commands that are relatively simple to teach your dog and should be mastered…

* Sit: This is one of the most basic of all dog training commands and is one that you’ll want to teach your puppy from the beginning.

* Stay: This is important to ensure that no matter where you are you know that your dog will stay precisely where you want him to.

* Down: Teaching your dog to lay down on command is one of the main aspects of any successful dog training program.

* Heel: This is where you teach your dog to walk beside you at the same pace without pulling on the leash.

* No: Teaching the “No” word to your dog can save you a lot of trouble in the future. If your dog understands and responds to the word no you can keep them out of trouble much easier and save yourself a lot of hassles.

It’s best to train most commands when the dog is still young but not too young. A small puppy won’t be easy to train and neither will an old dog.

You should continue to train your dog beyond the basic commands listed above, but if nothing else these are the ones that should be mastered. There’s no doubt that it will improve the relationship you have with your dog and the enjoyment and happiness that you and your dog will have together.

Training will also let your dog know that you’re the boss and in doing so eliminate many behavior problems. Dogs that are untrained can often get depressed, unhappy and show symptoms of anxiety and confusion. By training your dog you are actually giving him a purpose in life, and he will get pleasure out of the fact that he is pleasing you.

Remember that dog training is an ongoing process that needs to be done periodically. Even after your dog has mastered a command you may need to give him a refresher course every once in a while.

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  1. Potty training your dog doesn’t have to be a hard task. There are many processes for potty training your dog including crating, clicker training and paper training.

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