Please Sign this Petition to Save a Wonderful Dog Breed

U.S. Representatives: Introduce a bill to ban the discrimination of pit bulls

Please click here to sign this petition. It takes less than a minute and could help save thousands of innocent dogs.

When I see how society has demonized pit bulls just because they are pit bulls, I become so frustrated.

It is wrong and unjust to paint a picture of a certain breed of dogs as all being vicious or unpredictable. Pit bulls have been labeled “dangerous” because of the reputation forced upon them from people using them as fighting dogs. It could have been any breed, but it was Pit bulls who are tortured and forced to fight and are pawns to human greed. They are bred specifically for the purpose of fighting and have no chance for a normal life unless they are rescued. If these pit bulls do not want to fight or lose a fight they are punished by the most inhumane methods and die unimaginable deaths. They are beaten, hung, starved, electrocuted, slammed onto the ground, shot and set on fire when they are still alive and thrown away. Have you ever seen a frightened pit bull in a ring that does not want to fight? It is pitiful how they claw at the sides of the wall trying desperately to escape the insurmountable torture they know they are about to face. Only the heartless would not shed tears after seeing that. And when they are injured they are improperly and superficially bandaged up and set in a dark place alone and in pain without any compassion. Pit bulls that are used as bait dogs are not medically tended to at all. A bait dog is one who has his teeth taken out or a tape bound around his mouth so that the training dog could attack and kill this innocent, defenseless and terrorized pit bull without injury to the dog in training. They feel pain, they feel fear and they feel and express love. These dogs are afraid and they should be because they see more horror in their short lifetime than most humans see in theirs.


This reputation of pit bulls is sadly misplaced. It is the people who train and abuse these dogs who are completely at fault and yet ignorance and sensational reporting has led to a deception that all pit bulls have an innate desire to attack anything in its path. Pit bulls have been banned from communities and as this happens people are forced to give up their family members whom they love. These pets face death and again they are victimized by a uninformed government that is supposed to protect them. It’s time to set aside the misguided prejudice about pit bulls. Reporting only on pit bull attacks has caused society to take a defensive posture against them. How can it be that a “breed” is accused of being vicious, when the truth is that not every single pit bull has bitten or attacked or even shown aggressive tendencies? If the reputation they have received is true than why aren’t there attacks every single day. It doesn’t make sense that millions of pit bulls have been family members that enjoy playing with other dogs at a park or love to sit on the lap of those they love and snuggle with their guardian. Those of us who have never had a pit bull as a family member but only met them on the walking trails have found them to be very engaging and loveable mutts. They approach with their tails wagging so hard that their whole body shakes. It’s kind of comical. I have met up with pit bulls I didn’t know and taken their huge heads in my head and kissed their noses, only to be met with wet sweet kisses back. If this is aggression bring it on.

It is nonsense and outrageous that a whole breed of dogs would be considered as “dangerous”. I don’t think there is one dog breed where at least one member did not bite someone at some time. This is not exclusively pit bulls. It is shameful how these dogs have been targeted and how this witch-hunt has been allowed. Even our government operates on fear based and untrue information which condemns all dogs that fall under this breed. Each dog has an individual personality. It is not a collective personality. They respond independently of one another.

We ask that our Representatives learn the truth about Pit bulls. We need Representatives who will try and understand about Pit bulls. Visit a pit bull rescue. Talk to people who are well versed in the understanding of pit bulls. With this knowledge, you may save an innocent life. These dogs are thriving members of society when placed with the right person who cares. There are countless stories of pit bulls saving lives and helping people. These stories remain untold and in the shadows. If we are not helping to stop the victimizing of pit bulls, we are re-victimizing them all over again.

Ace’s law – (in honor of Ace, the pit bull in Detroit who was unjustly put down because he was a pit bull) we ask our Representatives to introduce a bill that will stop the banning or discrimination of a certain dog breed in the United States and in Europe. For a state to ban a breed is leaving countless dogs abandoned in shelters, creating overpopulation and, these dogs, once in familiar and loving homes are than euthanized because of breed specific legislation instead of anything they did wrong. It is based on discrimination. Isn’t that what America has fought against with people and now our government is encouraging discrimination out of fear. It is a shame that the guardians of these pets are left grieving and distraught because of this error in judgment. When you take away the rights of people and treat these innocent dogs as “dangerous” it produces fear and more discrimination.

Please do your part to help: sign this petition!

Is Your Dog Bored? How to Overcome Doggie Boredom.

In many ways dogs are actually comparable to children. They really do need mental and physical stimulation or they will quickly get very bored. We all know how much trouble kids can be when they get bored and dogs aren’t any different. If you want a happy dog then you need to make sure (s)he isn’t bored all the time.

In general you can be sure that a bored dog is unhappy and will almost certainly get into trouble with other animals and probably even humans. Many behavior problems can arise from a bored dog and it will make your life with them much less enjoyable. The happiest dogs are usually the working dogs because they have a purpose in life and get daily attention from their owners.

The best way to keep your dog happy and free of boredom is by taking him on walks. Dogs absolutely love to be taken on walks, or for a nice run along the beach or in the woods. It really doesn’t matter where as long as they are getting the exercise they need. All dogs need regular exercise in order to be happy and healthy. It is very important!

In addition to the physical and mental stimulation they get from a walk or run, they also get to be in a different environment and interact with people and other dogs. This social interaction is vital for the overall well-being of your dog and it is something that needs to be done regularly. Taking them for a walk once a week or month isn’t enough. It should be part of your daily routine.

Another thing you can do to help combat doggie boredom is to simply get your dog some fun toys to play with. There are hundreds of different types of dog toys to choose from and you can find some at just about any store. Having an array of toys to choose from can certainly add a lot of fun to your dog’s life. And more importantly getting involved with your dog by playing with the toys with him will have a very positive effect on his happiness.

Training your dog is another way to bond with him, eliminate boredom, and make your time together much more enjoyable. Dog training has many benefits both at home and for when you are out in public together. A well trained dog will always be happier and less bored. And training is something you can (and should) do over the entire lifetime of your dog. It’s not just something you do when he is a puppy.

Any time you spend with your dog, whether it is on a walk, during training time, or just enjoying some playful fun, is great for building a long and happy relationship together and making sure your dog is not bored.

Remember that you don’t like to be bored and your dog is no different. So keep him entertained, stimulated and happy!

Dangerous Foods for Dogs – Don’t Feed Your Dog These Foods

Most people aren’t aware that many of the foods that we humans eat on regular basis can be harmful or even deadly to your dog. These are dangerous dog foods that you should avoid feeding your dog at all times. Even a small amount of certain foods can be toxic and fatal to your furry friend.

* Chocolate – A little bit can cause seizures, coma and death. Even a small piece of chocolate is dangerous. This is typically one of the only foods that people know is bad for dogs. But there are many more.

* Caffeine – Can have a similar effect as chocolate so never give it to your dog. That includes coffee, tea, soda, energy drinks, and anything else containing caffeine.

* Grapes and raisins – These can cause kidney failure and even a single serving of raisins can make your dog very ill or even kill him.

* Salt – Eating too much salt can cause kidney problems and several other problems as well. Death is also a possibility.

* Bread Dough – It needs to rise and if you feed it to your dog it will rise inside his stomach. This can cause severe pain and alcohol poisoning as it ferments.

* Human Medicine – This is one of the leading causes of dog poisoning. Don’t give your dog over the counter medicine unless your vet tells you to. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen can both be deadly when given to a dog.

* Onions – Poisonous to dogs and can cause anemia. This can lead to weakness, loss of appetite, vomiting, difficulty breathing, and more.

* Garlic – Many of the same issues as onions (see above).

* Tomatoes – Hard to believe but these are toxic to dogs. They can cause tremors and heart arrhythmias.

* Avocados – Highly toxic and can cause breathing difficulty and fluid accumulation around the abdomen chest and heart.

* Alcohol – It takes far less beer, liquor, wine or other alcohol to damage a dog that it does a human. Just a small amount can cause vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, and several other issues including coma or death.

* Bones – If you give your dog bones be sure that they are raw because cooked bones can splinter and damage their internal organs. They can also choke on them, whether they are cooked or not.

* Excessive fat can cause pancreatitis, so it is not wise to feed your dog a diet of fatty foods.

* Fried foods – Just as with humans these are not good for retaining maximum health in your dog.

* Nuts – Certain nuts, such as Macadamia nuts and walnuts can cause weakness, paralysis, rapid heart rate, muscle tremors and other major problems.

* Fruits – The core and pits of fruits such as apples, cherries and peaches contain cyanide, which is poisonous to dogs and can kill them very quickly without warning.

* Raw Eggs – Possibility of food poisoning and interferes with the absorption of some vitamins, which can cause skin problems.

And that’s not all. There are plenty of other foods that can be harmful or fatal to your dog. When in doubt, always refrain from feeding your dog any human foods. Never assume that it will be okay unless you know for certain that it is. Many foods that are safe for humans can kill your dog within hours, even if he’s had them before without any problems.

Remember, if your dog has eaten some of these foods in the past and nothing happened to him that doesn’t mean he will be okay if he eats them again. It’s very possible that you just got lucky the first time and this time your dog could get very sick or even die. All it takes is once for something to go horribly wrong. Don’t take the chance; it’s not worth the risk. Human food is not for dogs — stick to the real dog food and be safe!

On top of all that, even if you aren’t feeding your dog any foods that are directly dangerous, it is still unhealthy for them to eat human food. They can much more easily become overweight and have other health problems from consuming it on a regular basis.

Dog Fighting is Cruel, Abusive and Inhumane

Stop Dog Fighting Do you think that dog fighting is cool? Or maybe you just don’t see why it’s such a big deal? Or you might think the dogs enjoy it? Or you just don’t know much about it? Or something else along those lines. Well, I am here to try and paint a little clearer picture of it for you.

Trust me; there is nothing “cool” about dog fighting. It certainly IS a big deal and needs to be stopped. The dogs definitely do NOT enjoy it! And only a completely heartless and totally sick person would actually be okay with the insane torture these poor dogs have to endure!

Let’s take a closer look at what this cruel, abusive and inhumane “sport” is all about…

These animal abusers (aka dog fighters) who participate in this will do all sorts of cruel things such as starve, beat, neglect, and isolate the dogs. They also train them to behave aggressively towards animals and sometimes even people.

The poor dogs spend most of their lives caged up or on short, heavy chains. They are usually just out of reach of other dogs and rarely (if ever) get any attention from people. They never get any real love or affection. They don’t know happiness; all they know is pain and torture. Fighting Dog

Dog fighters also train these dogs by forcing them to tread water in pools for hours or run on a treadmill while a rabbit, cat, chicken or another terrified animal is dangled in front of them. They also teach them to hang on with their jaws while dangling from a log chain baited with meat.

They are often also given all sorts of drugs including anabolic steroids to build muscle mass and increase aggression. Narcotics may also be used to increase the dog’s aggressive tendencies and mask pain or fear during a fight. They sometimes even add roach poison to the dog’s food so their fur will taste bad to other dogs.

Fighting dogs often have their ears and tails cut off with sharp scissors, razor blades, or some other cutting object. The fighters typically perform this “surgery” themselves using crude techniques without any type of pain killer.

In the pit where these brutal and bloody events take place, strong sticks or bars are used to pry apart the dogs, who clamp down so fiercely that it is very common for them to bite through their own lips. They are encouraged or forced to fight to the death, and the fight can go on for hours… Until both dogs are extremely exhausted, dehydrated and at least one of them is seriously injured or dead. Most of the dogs who either won’t fight or who lose the fight are destroyed by the owner (in a very inhumane manner) or they are used as bait dogs until they are savagely killed.

Poor Dog These poor dogs aren’t taken to the vet or given any proper treatment or medical care for the serious wounds inflicted upon them during a fight. Their bodies are torn up and ripped apart. Then they are just left to heal on their own. They are improperly and superficially bandaged up and set in a dark place alone and in pain without any compassion. And the bait dogs are usually not medically tended to at all. Many never do heal properly. You can see all the scars and other damage on former fighting dogs that do get rescued. It’s very sad!

The sick and twisted individuals who fight dogs will do one of several things to kill those that either lose or that they just don’t want anymore for whatever reason…

They will drown them, beat them to death, hang them, electrocute them, not give them water or food until they just die, bury them alive, throw them in a dump, saw off their heads or other limbs while they are still alive, set them on fire, make other dogs rip them apart, and pretty much every other cruel and downright evil thing that can be done to a poor defenseless dog. These people are a bunch of lowlife savages!

Not to mention the fact that even the winning dogs that these people supposedly “like” have to go through hell and torture on a daily basis just to be a fighting dog in the first place. Their lives are filled with unimaginable pain and loneliness until they ultimately die a brutal death.

They also use puppies, weaker dogs, pets they get free from classified ads, and just regular old family pets that they steal from other people as “bait” dogs. Those are the dogs that are used to train the fighters. They will tape their mouths shut or file down their teeth and tie them down, then force the fighting dogs in training to rip these poor defenseless animals apart.

Often times the dogs actually in the real fights were also innocent family pets at one time. Then, they were taken from someone’s yard and turned into vicious fighters by the criminals who stole them. They starve, beat and harass these harmless pets in order to make them aggressive. Animal Abuse

Nothing about dog fighting is cool or glamorous. It doesn’t make anyone macho or tough. It’s a savage sport for heartless people. The dogs don’t want to do it; they are forced to do it until it’s all they know anymore. The dogs aren’t born killers they are made to be that way by the piece of shit people who use them for fighting.

I once heard someone talking about dog fighting say that the dogs in it were born killers and want to do it. That is about the stupidest thing I have ever heard! Get your facts straight before you say something like that and make yourself sound like a total moron. They are dogs. They are born as innocent little puppies just the same as every other dog. Then, they are abused and neglected relentlessly and forced into fighting. There is nothing about them that is “born” this way or “wants” to do it!

Have you ever seen a frightened dog in a ring that does not want to fight? It is pitiful how they cry and claw at the sides of the wall trying desperately to escape the insurmountable torture they know they are about to face! It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.

In almost all cases of dog fighting it is Pit Bulls that get used. So to those of you who think pit bulls are savage beasts that love killing… You are WRONG! Actually it’s exactly the opposite. On the whole they are a truly amazing and very loving breed of dog. Any professional dog behaviorist or real dog expert of any kind will attest to that fact. The truth is that pit bulls are such a loving and wonderful dog breed that even after being abused and tortured in the unimaginable ways described above, they can usually be rehabilitated back into being wonderful family pets; if they are lucky enough to be rescued by someone who cares.

To those of you who use making money as an excuse to engage in this savage sport… How about getting a job instead? Or starting your own business? Or going to school? Or joining the military? Or doing anything else productive with your life? Do you really think that dog fighting has a future? No, it doesn’t! You might make some cash now but you are doing so much harm in the process, and eventually it will catch up to you. It is NOT worth it!

So, does any of this sound fun or cool to you? If it does then you need to seek professional help right now! Dog fighters are messed up in the head. Nobody can treat a dog (or any other animal) like this and actually be normal.

Everything about dog fighting is disgusting and should have much harsher punishments! Lock these people up and throw away the key. In my opinion, every person who engages in dog fighting or condones it should die a slow painful torturous death! They will never be productive members of society anyway so there’s no reason for them to exist!

Look at the pictures spread throughout this post. Does that look like something these dogs want to do? Is it something you could do to a dog and still sleep at night? I hope you answered NO to both of those questions!

Please help stop dog fighting! Report anybody you know doing it or if you see any sign of it potentially going on somewhere. It’s better to tell the authorities and end up being wrong than it is to not tell them and let all the poor dogs go through this unbelievable pain. And for God’s sake, if you are a dog fighter, please realize what you are doing is wrong and stop right now!

A Wonderful Post from the Lucky Dog Rescue Blog

I came across a blog post today about pit bulls that I absolutely have to share with you. It is incredible information from someone who seems like an amazing person. Below is an excerpt from the post (a link to the full post is further down)…

Title: The Truth About Pit Bulls

If you’d like to hear from someone who has A LOT of experience with Pit Bulls, well… here I am. I’ve been bitten by a lot of dogs in my life… Labs, Chihuahuas, Spaniels. But out of the thousands of dogs I’ve worked with, I have never been bitten by a Pit Bull.

In animal rescue, I deal with the worst of the worst… and these Pit Bulls come to me in the most broken, fearful, and vulnerable state. If a dog is going to bite someone, it’ll most likely happen when they’re in that fragile, uncertain state… only because they are terrified.

And yet — not one of those Pit Bulls has ever bitten me. I work with them daily — many of them. Do you honestly believe that I’d put my life in danger every single day?? And if they’re truly so vicious, wouldn’t I have been bitten or attacked by now? If they were really so dangerous and unpredictable, surely I’d be at greater risk than anyone else… dealing with so many of them on a daily basis… right? And yet, nothing has happened. Hmm…

The truth is: Pit Bulls aren’t any more dangerous than other large breeds, and they aren’t any less loving or deserving than any other dog. Wouldn’t you choose to believe someone who actually knows these dogs… over someone who has never even met one???

I don’t fear them, so they don’t fear me. I love them, so they love me. That’s critical. Because when fear is present and love is absent, any dog can become terrified.

Read the entire post at: The Truth About Pit Bulls

If you love dogs (of any breed) then you really need to read her whole post. This girl truly cares and obviously knows what she is talking about. Trust me, it is incredible! The link is above, click it.

I also encourage you to donate whatever you can to her rescue: Donate

And no, I don’t get anything out of this other than the satisfaction of knowing that maybe I have helped her in some small way. We aren’t friends, we’ve never even met and probably never will, but I am a huge fan of what she is trying to do with her dog rescue.

Ashley, if you happen to read this… THANK YOU!