Dog Fighting is Cruel, Abusive and Inhumane

Stop Dog Fighting Do you think that dog fighting is cool? Or maybe you just don’t see why it’s such a big deal? Or you might think the dogs enjoy it? Or you just don’t know much about it? Or something else along those lines. Well, I am here to try and paint a little clearer picture of it for you.

Trust me; there is nothing “cool” about dog fighting. It certainly IS a big deal and needs to be stopped. The dogs definitely do NOT enjoy it! And only a completely heartless and totally sick person would actually be okay with the insane torture these poor dogs have to endure!

Let’s take a closer look at what this cruel, abusive and inhumane “sport” is all about…

These animal abusers (aka dog fighters) who participate in this will do all sorts of cruel things such as starve, beat, neglect, and isolate the dogs. They also train them to behave aggressively towards animals and sometimes even people.

The poor dogs spend most of their lives caged up or on short, heavy chains. They are usually just out of reach of other dogs and rarely (if ever) get any attention from people. They never get any real love or affection. They don’t know happiness; all they know is pain and torture. Fighting Dog

Dog fighters also train these dogs by forcing them to tread water in pools for hours or run on a treadmill while a rabbit, cat, chicken or another terrified animal is dangled in front of them. They also teach them to hang on with their jaws while dangling from a log chain baited with meat.

They are often also given all sorts of drugs including anabolic steroids to build muscle mass and increase aggression. Narcotics may also be used to increase the dog’s aggressive tendencies and mask pain or fear during a fight. They sometimes even add roach poison to the dog’s food so their fur will taste bad to other dogs.

Fighting dogs often have their ears and tails cut off with sharp scissors, razor blades, or some other cutting object. The fighters typically perform this “surgery” themselves using crude techniques without any type of pain killer.

In the pit where these brutal and bloody events take place, strong sticks or bars are used to pry apart the dogs, who clamp down so fiercely that it is very common for them to bite through their own lips. They are encouraged or forced to fight to the death, and the fight can go on for hours… Until both dogs are extremely exhausted, dehydrated and at least one of them is seriously injured or dead. Most of the dogs who either won’t fight or who lose the fight are destroyed by the owner (in a very inhumane manner) or they are used as bait dogs until they are savagely killed.

Poor Dog These poor dogs aren’t taken to the vet or given any proper treatment or medical care for the serious wounds inflicted upon them during a fight. Their bodies are torn up and ripped apart. Then they are just left to heal on their own. They are improperly and superficially bandaged up and set in a dark place alone and in pain without any compassion. And the bait dogs are usually not medically tended to at all. Many never do heal properly. You can see all the scars and other damage on former fighting dogs that do get rescued. It’s very sad!

The sick and twisted individuals who fight dogs will do one of several things to kill those that either lose or that they just don’t want anymore for whatever reason…

They will drown them, beat them to death, hang them, electrocute them, not give them water or food until they just die, bury them alive, throw them in a dump, saw off their heads or other limbs while they are still alive, set them on fire, make other dogs rip them apart, and pretty much every other cruel and downright evil thing that can be done to a poor defenseless dog. These people are a bunch of lowlife savages!

Not to mention the fact that even the winning dogs that these people supposedly “like” have to go through hell and torture on a daily basis just to be a fighting dog in the first place. Their lives are filled with unimaginable pain and loneliness until they ultimately die a brutal death.

They also use puppies, weaker dogs, pets they get free from classified ads, and just regular old family pets that they steal from other people as “bait” dogs. Those are the dogs that are used to train the fighters. They will tape their mouths shut or file down their teeth and tie them down, then force the fighting dogs in training to rip these poor defenseless animals apart.

Often times the dogs actually in the real fights were also innocent family pets at one time. Then, they were taken from someone’s yard and turned into vicious fighters by the criminals who stole them. They starve, beat and harass these harmless pets in order to make them aggressive. Animal Abuse

Nothing about dog fighting is cool or glamorous. It doesn’t make anyone macho or tough. It’s a savage sport for heartless people. The dogs don’t want to do it; they are forced to do it until it’s all they know anymore. The dogs aren’t born killers they are made to be that way by the piece of shit people who use them for fighting.

I once heard someone talking about dog fighting say that the dogs in it were born killers and want to do it. That is about the stupidest thing I have ever heard! Get your facts straight before you say something like that and make yourself sound like a total moron. They are dogs. They are born as innocent little puppies just the same as every other dog. Then, they are abused and neglected relentlessly and forced into fighting. There is nothing about them that is “born” this way or “wants” to do it!

Have you ever seen a frightened dog in a ring that does not want to fight? It is pitiful how they cry and claw at the sides of the wall trying desperately to escape the insurmountable torture they know they are about to face! It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.

In almost all cases of dog fighting it is Pit Bulls that get used. So to those of you who think pit bulls are savage beasts that love killing… You are WRONG! Actually it’s exactly the opposite. On the whole they are a truly amazing and very loving breed of dog. Any professional dog behaviorist or real dog expert of any kind will attest to that fact. The truth is that pit bulls are such a loving and wonderful dog breed that even after being abused and tortured in the unimaginable ways described above, they can usually be rehabilitated back into being wonderful family pets; if they are lucky enough to be rescued by someone who cares.

To those of you who use making money as an excuse to engage in this savage sport… How about getting a job instead? Or starting your own business? Or going to school? Or joining the military? Or doing anything else productive with your life? Do you really think that dog fighting has a future? No, it doesn’t! You might make some cash now but you are doing so much harm in the process, and eventually it will catch up to you. It is NOT worth it!

So, does any of this sound fun or cool to you? If it does then you need to seek professional help right now! Dog fighters are messed up in the head. Nobody can treat a dog (or any other animal) like this and actually be normal.

Everything about dog fighting is disgusting and should have much harsher punishments! Lock these people up and throw away the key. In my opinion, every person who engages in dog fighting or condones it should die a slow painful torturous death! They will never be productive members of society anyway so there’s no reason for them to exist!

Look at the pictures spread throughout this post. Does that look like something these dogs want to do? Is it something you could do to a dog and still sleep at night? I hope you answered NO to both of those questions!

Please help stop dog fighting! Report anybody you know doing it or if you see any sign of it potentially going on somewhere. It’s better to tell the authorities and end up being wrong than it is to not tell them and let all the poor dogs go through this unbelievable pain. And for God’s sake, if you are a dog fighter, please realize what you are doing is wrong and stop right now!

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