House Training Basics for Puppies

When you get your new puppy all you can think about is how cute and cuddly he is. He’s so much fun with his limitless energy, enthusiasm, and clumsiness. In fact, your puppy is nearly perfect except for one small thing… those puddles of pee and piles of poop he keeps leaving in the middle …

Dog Training Basics You Should Know

Dog training is something that every dog owner should do and is definitely worth the time and effort it takes. However, before you start, there are some things you need to know in order to make training your dog easier and more pleasant for both you and your dog. The very most important thing you …

Learning How to Train a Guard Dog

Learning how to train a guard dog will require special knowledge and skills that most dog owners do not typically possess. If you are like most dog owners, you probably think of your dog as a companion and a friend, and you assume that your dog would defend you if you were in a situation …

Benefits of Owning a Well Trained Dog

Dog training is very important for many reasons that benefit both you and your dog. Owning a well trained and obedient dog is definitely a lot more fun for you. In addition to that, trained dogs are much happier dogs. An obedient and well trained dog is far less likely to get into fights with …