5 More Foods You Should Never Feed Your Dog

Just about everyone has given their dog scraps or food right off their own plate at one time or another. Overall it’s not a good idea, for many reasons, but for the most part it’s not usually too big of a deal. However, sometimes it can be very harmful or even fatal to your dog. After my last post, 5 Foods You Should Never Give Your Dog, you already know you should never feed your dog chocolate, onions, alcohol, caffeine, or raw fish. But there are more foods you should also never feed your dog. In this article I will tell you which ones and why.

Here are five more foods you should never feed your dog, in no particular order:

1) Avocadoes – These contain toxins that are harmful to dogs and can cause heart problems and damage to tissue. They are also high in fat which can upset your dog’s stomach causing vomiting or just making him miserable. The pit of the avocado can also get lodged in your dog’s intestines and surgery may be required to remove it. Remember that guacamole is mainly made of avocadoes so keep your dog away from that too.

2) Bread Dough – The heat in your dog’s stomach will cause the bread dough to rise. This can cause bloating, vomiting, and pain. Alcohol may also be produced during the rising, which is very bad for your dog.

3) Pitted Fruits – A lot of fruits that contain pits have small doses of cyanide, which can be very harmful or fatal to dogs. The pits of these fruits also cause a choking hazard.

4) Grapes – If you dog eats grapes or raisins it is recommended that you seek immediate and aggressive treatment. They can cause diarrhea, vomiting, severe kidney damage, and even death. These are very easy for your dog to ingest so make sure you always keep them out of reach.

5) Macadamia Nuts – The toxins in these nuts is strong enough to have an effect on your dog even if they only eat a small amount of them. They can cause extreme weakness, paralysis of limbs, accelerated heartbeat and tremors.

So there you have 5 more foods you should never feed your dog. Keep these foods away from your dog at all times to avoid an accident. Remember you may think you are being nice to your dog when you feed him “people food” but your dog will be happier and healthier without it.

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